What is GPU

What is GPU

GPU is the acronym of Graphic Porcessing Unit.


CPU and GPU look similar in words, but they have very different roles. CPU is the acronym of Central Processing Unit. It is a structure specialized in a serial(sequential) processing method that processes data in the order in which instructions are input. However, GPU is made up of thousands of cores and have parallel porcessing that prcesses multiple instructions simultaneously. So, GPU is an optimized computing resources that is composed of cores that are more efficient than the CPU, allowing large amounts of data to be preocessed quickly in parallel. While CPUs focus complex operations quickly in order, GPUs are specialized in mass-processing easy and simple tasks in paralle. For example, displaying graphics aon the screen requires simultaneous processing of large amounts of simple graphical data information, making GPU usage more suitable than CPU. Of course, the CPU can be calculated, but it is less efficient.