Video Play
Videop Play using OpenCV with Python
When you use OpenCV
When you want to play the video using Python, you can use OpenCV. (It is just a part of OpenCV’s function)
How to play Video using OpenCV
Capture Video
At first time, you should read video. So, you can use very simple interface using OpenCV.
To capture a video, you create VideoCapture
object. Its argument can be either the device(e.g. Camera) or the name of video(e.g. test.mp4).
import cv2
# Open a Video file
# VideoCapture('<file_name>')
video = cv2.VideoCapture('test.mp4')
- Getting Started with Videos
- Video Capture Function
[Python Play a video using OpenCV]( - OpenCV 동영상 파일 재생하기기
- Read, Write and Display a video using OpenCV